Your Voice Matter!

|25/03, 2023

Your Voice Matter!

Concepts are just that - concepts. 

Statements Clothing is not, and will never be, a print-on-demand or design-your-own-shirt service. 

However, this does not mean that we don't listen to your requests. In fact, many of Statements Clothing's printed designs and text come from people like you. 

We appreciate and gratefully accept all ideas, suggestions, and thoughts via email at [email protected]

While we cannot guarantee that your proposal will be selected, we promise to read every email that comes our way. So, if you have an idea or suggestion, please do not hesitate to submit it. 

Who knows, maybe your proposal will become one of our new prints.

Statements Clothing - Where Your Voice Matter!

#statementsclothingofficial #designatshirt #tshirt #sweatshirt